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E: sbge@ejly.net P: 206-281-2970 O: McKenna Hall
Professor Emeritus of BusinessPhD, University of St. Andrews
Email: bakerb@ejly.net
Professor Emerita of GeographyPhD, University of Washington
Email: kbraden@ejly.net
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Data AnalyticsPhD, University of California-Berkeley
Email: chena4@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2935Office: McKenna Hall 206
Professor Emeritus of Political SciencePhD, University of Virginia
Email: rdavis@ejly.net
Associate Professor of FinancePhD, University of Hawaii
Email: dejongj2@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2265Office: McKenna Hall 211
Professor Emeritus of EconomicsPhD, Yale University
Email: ddowning@ejly.net
Professor of Business, Information Systems and Political SciencePhD, New York University
Email: drozdova@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2157Office: McKenna Hall 220
Associate Professor of Political SciencePhD, University of Nebraska
Email: ediger@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2937Office: McKenna Hall 225
Professor Emeritus of BusinessPhD, Iowa State University
Email: aerisman@ejly.net
Executive Director, Center for Faithful BusinessPhD, Eastern University
Email: flettj@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2502Office: SBGE Center House
Associate Professor of ManagementPhD, University of Michigan
Email: godek@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2833Office: McKenna Hall 205
Professor Emeritus of BusinessPhD, University of Arizona
Email: dhess@ejly.net
Assistant Professor of EconomicsPhD, Virginia Tech
Email: kakpoa@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2960Office: McKenna Hall 212
Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs PhD, University of Washington
Email: gkarns@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2948Office: McKenna Hall 223
Assistant Professor of ManagementPhD, City University of New York
Email: akato@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2243Office: McKenna Hall 217
Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions
Email: blockj@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2888Office: Demaray Hall 120
Professor of Management and Information SystemsPhD, Arizona State University
Email: ryanl@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2213Office: McKenna Hall 221
Professor of Management; Program Director, MS-DAB (Data Analytics in Business) ProgramPhD, University of Pittsburgh
Email: donlee@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2555Office: McKenna Hall 213
Assistant Professor of Accounting PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Email: liy13@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2395Office: McKenna Hall 217
Associate Professor of EconomicsPhD, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Email: geri@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2709Office: McKenna Hall 216
Executive AssistantBA, Lutheran Bible Institute of Seattle
Email: johnsonb20@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2992Office: McKenna 228
Assistant Professor of International BusinessDBA, George Fox University
Email: mvududuj@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2890Office: McKenna Hall 202
Director, Center for Applied Learning
Email: marko@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2942Office: SBGE Center House
Associate Professor of Business Law; Interim DeanJD, University of Michigan Law School
Email: osbornc@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2906Office: McKenna Hall 200
Instructor of Business EthicsMDiv, Seattle Pacific University
Email: parksta@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2621Office: McKenna Hall 222
Professor Emerita of International BusinessPhD, Warsaw Polytechnic University
Email: jpoznan@ejly.net
Assistant Professor of International Sustainable DevelopmentPhD, University of Washington
Email: qshah@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2651Office: McKenna Hall 214
Associate Professor of Accounting; Associate Dean of Undergraduate StudiesPhD, University of Michigan
Email: qu@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2397Office: McKenna Hall 209
Professor of Accounting; Associate Dean for Undergraduate StudiesPhD, University of Washington
Email: ksawers@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2221Office: McKenna Hall 228
Professor Emerita of MarketingPhD, Washington State University
Email: rschlee@ejly.net
Professor of Management and Information Systems PhD, University of Passau
Email: gsteinke@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2377Office: McKenna Hall 204
Dean,Professor of AccountingPhD, University of Glasgow
Email: rstewart@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2087Office: McKenna Hall 229
Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics and LawJD, Yale Law School
Program Coordinator, Center for Applied Learning
Email: westa2@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2192Office: SBGE Center House
Professor of Business EthicsPhD, University of Southern California
Email: klwong@ejly.netPhone: 206-281-2353Office: McKenna Hall 218