Love Shouldn't Hurt

The month of October is recognized nationally as domestic violence awareness month. SPU participates in this national campaign by raising awareness on campus about domestic violence and dating violence, also known as intimate partner violence. SPU wants to help students and employees understand, prevent, and (if applicable) recover from domestic and dating violence.
Love Shouldn't Hurt campaign - Ongoing through October, watch areas on campus for a campaign to raise awareness about dating violence and the “red flags” that can be present in relationships. The campaign encourages people to recognize these harmful relationship red flags in their own relationships and in the relationships of others and to speak up about them.
Wear Purple October 20th - Wear Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Day. This day is also known as Purple Thursday observed on the Thursday in the third full week in October. Post a picture on social media with #PURPLETHURSDAY to bring awareness to the epidemic of domestic and dating violence co-occurring with the pandemic.
Visit Love Is Respect for the warning signs of Dating Violence, resources for youth, and more!
Make a Promise – Lauren’s Promise. Lauren McCluskey, a 21-year-old honors student athlete, was murdered on Oct. 22, 2018, by a man she briefly dated. Lauren’s Promise is a vow that educators can include in their syllabi to let students know they will be believed and heard if they need help. Faculty at more than 150 colleges and universities across the country have already adopted Lauren’s Promise. Faculty who include Lauren’s Promise in their syllabi during the month of October will receive a Lauren’s Promise sticker, courtesy of the Lauren McCluskey Foundation. You don’t have to be an educator to make this promise though – often friends and family are the first to learn that someone they care about is experiencing harm. Print this poster and hang in your office or room.
Survivor Love Letter. Write supportive messaging and design your own artwork for those who have experienced intimate partner violence. The Office of Safety and Security will gather all the messages to showcase in a virtual display.
Watch a TED talk on domestic violence to gain important insight into the psyche of a survivor. Listen to Leslie Morgan Steiner on “Why domestic violence victims don’t leave.”
Listen to a podcast by Prevent Connect: Connections to & Impacts of COVID-19 in which the presenters draw connections between domestic violence, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the intersections of racial justice and survivor justice.
There are several resources available to help me n and women know how to respond to domestic and dating violence. In addition to information posted on the Office of Safety and Security’s website, the National Network to End Domestic Violence has extensive information as well as a hotline for immediate access to resources. Also, the City of Seattle website lists local resources that offer support for individuals impacted by domestic violence. The University’s “What to Do if You Are a Victim of Sexual Misconduct” webpage lists advice and resources. You can also learn more about the University’s response to reports of discrimination, bias and sexual misconduct at the Office of Human Resources website on Nondiscrimination and Title IX.
The University has also developed an online training program about preventing gender-based violence, including dating and domestic violence. Topics in the training include aspects of healthy relationships, risk reduction strategies, bystander intervention, and procedures and resources for victims. This training is available to all students and employees through Canvas and can be accessed by clicking the following link